UW Bothell Application Portal

    EDUC LEDE Program Interest Form

    The UWB LEDE (Leadership Development for Educators) program is on an admissions pause for redesign. We anticipate re-opening admissions for Autumn, 2023.  To stay informed of upcoming admissions dates and other program updates, please complete this form.
    Birthdate (This information is kept confidential and is only used for student record-keeping purposes).
    Birthdate (This information is kept confidential and is only used for student record-keeping purposes).
    Mailing Address
    Mailing Address
    What types of educational leadership programming are you interested in? (Choose all that apply)
    What types of educational leadership programming are you interested in? (Choose all that apply)
    What grade level do you teach?
    What grade level do you teach?
    When are you interested in beginning an educational leadership program?
    When are you interested in beginning an educational leadership program?
    Are you a current student or graduate of UW Bothell?
    Are you a current student or graduate of UW Bothell?
    How did you hear about our program?
    How did you hear about our program?